#Giants in the playground order of the stick how to#
As such, it was decided that Amber should spend some of her days away from the family farm studying with the Wardens, learning how to harness her newfound abilities safely.Īmber proved a natural, and began making pacts and cutting deals with the various local earth spirits, helping out with her newfound magic on the family farm, before broadening out to helping the rest of the village. When she walked in on Amber magically levitating rocks, she decided enough was enough, and reached out to the Wardens of the Wood for an explanation.Īfter meeting with the small druid circle close to Amblethorp, it was determined that Amber's dragonmark made her able to perceive and speak with the earth spirits of the Reaches, a talent that could prove volatile and dangerous. Initially, it was put down to a simple case of imaginary friends, but as Amber continued to grow older, and her dragonmark grew both more obvious and developed, Mia began to worry. Almost immediately, she began looking at and talking to things neither Mia, nor anyone else in the village, could see or hear. Within a few days of Amber turning six, she manifested the Dragonmark of Detection. Amber's sixth birthday complicated matters. Mia and her daughter settled into a quiet, pastoral life in the small Reach village of Amblethorp, and the former secretary resigned herself to a life away from the urban lifestyle she'd grown accustomed to. Eventually, it was too much for Mia, and she took the House's silence money and fled Breland during a ceasefire with Aundair, making for the Eldeen Reaches to just disappear. That was the last time Mia saw him - afterwards, it was just Thariv's parents and several unmemorable House enforcers making threats and bribes. And then Mia announced to him that she was pregnant. Mia and Thariv's affair was a whirlwind secret romance, and everything seemed wonderful, despite Thariv's impending marriage. He was also key to an arranged marriage the House was relying on to secure its interests as the Last War was beginning to come to a close. Thariv d'Medani was clever, competent, devilishly handsome, and quite the ladies' man.

It was when she was promoted to the position of personal secretary to one of the House's rising stars that things started going wrong. Once, Amber's mother Mia had a comfortable, well-paying job as a House Medani administrator.